I agree
Playing Fallout 3 is much like taking a cocktail of Jet, Mentats and a bottle of booze to top it all off. Cant stop playing.
I agree
Playing Fallout 3 is much like taking a cocktail of Jet, Mentats and a bottle of booze to top it all off. Cant stop playing.
New Vegas is like that with an extra dose of Turbo and coyote meat.
Much better...
This is better than the movie... Micheal Bay has gotten the SFx thing a little bit over his head...
Rule 34...
Can be heaven sent or hellspawn... Name your pick...
4chan all the way...
Getting trolled and /b/tarded is commonplace and this is why this movie is the funny... I am so not disappoint.
What I have to say about this...
Bump on this... Cuz its awesome, really.
Lol... hahahahahaha
I have not watched the film but saw the trailer countless times and seeing this make me want to watch the movie even more. (when I saved enuff to watch it)
Oh my...
He was buzzed by the crazy chick... Poor guy, nice video anyway. And yes, stop motion: takes time...
Ok, that sure was disturbing, and yet funny in a twisted sort of way...
Picard: What the f*** is that supposed to mean.
That just made me laugh so hard.
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." - Adolf Hitler
Age 37, Male
I work already.
5 mile underground bunker
Joined on 5/12/05